M.S., Ph.D. in Biomedical Science
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A major focus of the joint Biomedical Science M.S., Ph.D., and M.D. Degree program is to prepare Medical Doctors fostering an area of medical research that may lead to significant scientific breakthroughs in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. To achieve greater success in understanding the complex interactions of biological, physiological and environmental mechanisms, the Einstein Institute encourages collaborations between research scientists across disciplines throughout The University and beyond its walls. The Biomedical Sciences Degrees are broken into two different areas of study:
Health Science, Medical SPA Management
The M.S. and Ph.D. in the Health Science, Medical SPA Management program is focused on preparing graduates to operate under the full-time, on-site supervision of a licensed health care professional whose primary purpose is to provide comprehensive medical and wellness care in an environment that integrates spa services, traditional, complimentary, and/or alternative therapies and treatments. The facility operates within the scope of practice of its staff, which provides medical prevention, wellness procedures and services. The Ph.D. research degree is awarded on the basis of the thesis submitted, and typically takes three or four years to complete.
The M.S. and Ph.D. in Bio-nutrition program provides the necessary resources to plan and conduct inpatient and outpatient services that demand sophisticated nutritional support. The longevity component of the program provides nutrition and wellness education and training in nutritional and pathophysiologic biomarkers of pathophysiologic assessment to better identify risk factors for problems in aging and to recommend a personalized program of interventions to maintain independence and promote healthful aging.
Vital Bio Nutrition and Longevity Health Science Management
Our Ph.D. training aims to provide students with a qualification of international standing that is suited for an industrial or academic career. To achieve this, we complement work on the research project with three further elements of training:
- Departmental courses or modules on relevant topics, which students may attend to expand their project-specific understanding.
- Interdisciplinary research seminars and courses taught at the Institute and elsewhere, from which students can acquire knowledge of new areas.
- A variety of courses offered by the Institute which are designed to broaden the student’s range of transferable skills.
Application Restrictions
Graduates with a degree in engineering, any physical sciences, mathematics, biological sciences, physiology or medicine may be accepted into the program. We accept applicants with a B.S. and a 3.2 GPA from USA, EU, or other countries; however candidates with non-USA qualifications may also require a M.S. to be eligible for research. As well, we accept equivalent USA, and EU M.S. degrees with a 3.0 GPA.
Before making your official Einstein Medical Institute application, please consult admissions to decide which area you would like to work in and with which potential supervisor. You will be put into contact with your potential supervisor(s) to find out what research opportunities are available. Once you have established contact with a potential supervisor, they will ask you to make your official application via Admissions to The Einstein Medical Institute. We will not be able to process your application if you do not list a preferred area of Interests or topic on your form.
Please contact admissions prior to providing your application at: