M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering Systems Design and Innovation
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The M.S. in Engineering Systems is an engineering degree available to students with an undergraduate degree in engineering or science. The degree focuses on the design and implementation of socio-technical systems. The M.S. degree is a 2 year degree (maximum) that prepares the student for productive practice, or can be obtained during the Ph.D. program. The M.S. program allows Engineering Systems Design faculty and students to work together on issues of mutual interest different from those covered by the other masters’ programs. This program can also serve as the engineering M.S. for students in the Leaders for International Operations program.
Ph.D. students are future visionary leaders in High Tech Engineering Systems, committed to save our Planet Earth for humankind of future generations. In the courses of their studies, students acquire broad knowledge of the field of engineering systems and deep domain knowledge and a methodology. By the time a student defends his or her thesis, he or she has conducted an original scholarship on complex technical systems, advancing either theory, policy, or practice.
In the Engineering Systems Division as a whole, the research done by students in the doctoral program can be categorized into several broad areas. Students work in the domains of energy and sustainability or health care delivery. Students use approaches that examine the interface of humans and technology or that measure, model, and mitigate the effects of uncertainty. Students work to improve the design and implementation of large, complex systems. Students will also deploy network models to understand complexly related social, technical, and managerial entities.
To accommodate the diversity of domains and approaches, Ph.D. programs are highly individualized. Ph.D. students and their committees construct programs that delve deeply in the domains and methodologies a student’s research requires. Breadth of knowledge about the field of engineering systems is also essential. Alongside domain and methodology requirements, all students must take a doctoral seminar in engineering systems, models, data and inference for Socio-Technical Systems, Social Science Concepts and Methods, and an applied engineering systems subject.
Application Restrictions
We accept applicants with a 3.2 GPA from USA, EU, or other countries. Before making your official Einstein Institute application, please consult admissions to decide which area you would like to work in and with which potential supervisor. You will be put into contact with your potential supervisor(s) to find out what research opportunities are available. Once you have established contact with a potential supervisor, they will ask you to make your official application via Admissions to The Einstein Institute. We will not be able to process your application if you do not list a preferred topic and supervisor(s) on your form.
Please note that if you are applicants wishing to work Prof. Einstein ND, PhD, ScD Hon. should contact him at 561 762 1131.
Please contact admissions prior to providing your application at: